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Italico Equestrian > Blog > Equipment > Preparing for a race. How to sort out your gear without forgetting anything.

Preparing for a race. How to sort out your gear without forgetting anything.

  • Posted by: Italico

The words of English novelist and sportsman Robert Smith Surtees (“There is no such intimate secrecy as that between a rider and his horse”) truly convey the cardinal principle of horse riding: a deep understanding between the rider and his horse.

During a race, all the athlete’s physical and technical skills are put to the test, including his ability to deal with a stressful situation with the right mindset.
Thus, in order to achieve ideal performance, it is crucial to be able to maintain the well-being of both rider and horse. We know that participating in a competition often means travelling for many hours and stopping for several days in an unknown place, and sometimes without the gear of your riding school. Harness, knight’s clothing, grooming small box, water and hay for the horse, are the essential elements included in any rider’s must-bring items for a race.

Anyone who has participated in a competition at least once knows how important it is to choose the right box for bring all the necessary tools. Indeed, such accessories have very different dimensions and materials; particularly, the place occupied by a saddle or the delicacy of a first-aid kit, are elements to be taken into account with extreme care and attention, in order to transport to their destination without damaging them.

Italico Equestrian produces two solutions for meeting the needs of any athlete with a need of storing his gear in a compact and practical space, without ruining it or compromising its function. Both models unite technical experience and Italian craftsmanship with a modern and practical design. Luxury Box Neo and Luxury Box Pro represent the very best for the professionals in the sector. Designed with a sturdy, manageable and modular structure, they allow you to place the equipment you need for any competition in an orderly manner, with also plenty of additional spaces for optional accessories.

Luxury Box Neo and Luxury Box Pro are designed to be comfortable and effective supports, without neglecting a modern, elegant and unique aesthetic, in order to become your reliable travel companions, capable of making a difference as you sort your gear in increasingly easier and faster fashion.

Author: Italico